Professional Development Workshop

On Saturday, June 25th, Power of One youth received professional development from Shonnie Fisher, Career Services Advisor at Arapahoe/Douglas Works!

They started the day off by taking the Gallup® Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. The assessment is a personal development tool, which provides individuals their top five strengths. The youth explored their individual strengths and compared them across the group.

Shonnie Fisher transitioned from strengths to discussing the WHY (purpose). This rich conversation resonated with the group as they explored the root of their individual and collective purposes and deepened their understanding of how a clear WHY draws others to the work and keeps them invested. Following this grounding exercise, Shonnie Fisher dived deeply into resume building and applicant tracking systems.

I think this was a very beneficial training because she had introduced us to a lot of new topics and skills we wouldn’t have otherwise known. I've had several programs that have taught me about resumes and cover letters, but this was the first one in which I didn’t hear things I already knew.


- Angel Amankwaah, PO1 Youth Ambassador Associate


Park Hill Golf Course Community Benefits Agreement


Community Voice Report - Park Hill Golf Course