A Hole-in-Power Of One

By Dane Washington Jr., Youth Ambassador Associate

On Tuesday, November 23rd, DMCI staff and Power of One (PO1) Youth took a team retreat to a technology-enabled driving range. 

After bonding over a few golf games, we got to work! To answer the questions “Why?”, “What?” and “How?” of our impact as PO1 Youth, we started with a discussion about our own personal “whys”, what it means to have a “why”, and what is going to drive this “why” for the entirety of our work. 

A common theme in most of our “whys” was how we all see life as something much bigger than ourselves. We all want to make a difference for the people around us and provide opportunities for youth to grow and achieve in our communities.

 This retreat was the first opportunity we had to connect deeply with the adult coalition members, and together, we were able to cultivate systems of support, deepen relationships, find purpose, and set goals to help prevent youth violence in our community.


If you would like more information on the Youth Ambassador program and Power of One, please contact Dane Washington Jr., Youth Ambassador Associate at Danejr@DMCImpact.org


Programming and Operations Grant from the Margulf Foundation


Communities That Care (CTC) Program